User Roles
This article explains the differences in available user roles (PM, PM+, SP) in NetVendor Maintenance (NVM) and job titles typically assigned these roles
What is a PM/SP/PM+
There are three types of users (or roles) in NVM. They are PM, SP, and a hybrid role (PM+).
PM = Property Manager
The PM role has an “umbrella” view of the property – they create service requests and see all of the service activity on the property and perform a number of other functions outlined below.
They are also responsible for reviewing requests completed by SP users. This review process also initiates an automated archival of the request, and in some cases, notification to the resident that the request has been completed.
A PM user can perform the following actions:
- Create SRs, Recurring SRs
- Assign/Re-route SRs
- Comment & upload photos to an SR
- Review SRs
- Put SR On-hold / remove from On-hold
- Send resident messages specific to an SR or Broadcast Message to the Property(s) they are assigned to
- Create and assign Inspections and Inspections Projects
- Create and manage Make-Ready projects, tasks & activities
- Add & Remove Users from their Property(s)
- Issue Password resets for SP users
- Manage Property details (phone number, etc)
The following job titles are typically assigned this role:
- Property Manager
- Leasing Consultant/Agents
- Service/Maintenance Manager (PM+ may also apply)
- Service/Maintenance Coordinator
- Regional/Area Managers
- Director-level personnel who have an interest in maintenance activities
SP = Service Professional
The SP role receives requests from the PM. Each request requires a responsible user; hence a request can only assigned to one SP at a time.
An SP user can perform the following actions:
- Receive SRs
- Accept SRs
- Re-assign SRs to a teammate
- Comment & and upload photos to an SR
- Complete SR and leave Resident notes
- Message Residents about an SR assigned to them
- Claim SRs that are Un-Assigned
- Receive notifications about SR activity assigned to them
- Complete an Inspection assigned to them
- Complete a Make-Ready task assigned to them
The following job titles are typically assigned to this role:
- Maintenance Technician
- Cleaner/Janitor/Maid
- Porter/Groundskeeper
- Service Tech
- Vendor/Contractor who works on-property
- Temp Maint Staff
- Exterminator/Pest Control Specialist
PM+ = Property Manager Plus
Effectively it is a PM who also performs/completes tasks on the property.
The PM+ role combines the features of the previously mentioned PM and SP user roles, giving this type of user greater control and flexibility, especially on smaller properties with 1 or 2 employees.
The following job titles tend to be a good fit for this role:
- Service/Maintenance Manager on a small property
- Assistant Service/Maint Manager
- Facility Manager
- Area Service Manager
- Building Supervisor
- Facility Manager