Service Request States and Groupings
NetVendor Maintenance (NVM) is built on a workflow engine that improves the speed of work order execution as well as the quality of data collected for each Service Request (SR).
Here is a quick overview of states and groupings found within the NVM workflow engine, for both Property Manager and Service Professional users. Whether users are on a computer web browser or using the app for mobile phones, the goal is to keep SRs organized.
Active: Sum of New, Open, & Complete SRs
New: Drafted, Requested, Documented, Recommended, Pended, Declined, Denied, and Held states
Open: Accepted state
Complete: Completed state
On Hold: Available for Requested, Accepted, and Completed states
Archive: Archived state
Drafted: (PM Only) Notification not sent to Service Professional (SP) nor can be seen by a SP user. Used as a work-in-progress placeholder for a Request.
Requested: Notification sent to SP. Waiting to be accepted by SP, or can be claimed by SP team member.
Documented: (SP Only) Notification not sent to Property Manager (PM) nor can be seen by PM user. Used as a work-in-progress placeholder for a Recommendation.
Recommendation: Notification sent to PM. Waiting to be Approved (as is) or Edited and Requested by the PM. Enables SP users to be pro-active and open new SRs for the Property.
Pended: (Projects Only) Notification sent to SP, but unable to Accept until officially Requested.
Accepted: SP has set a Target Date to complete the SR.
Completed: SP has marked the SR as Complete. Waiting for Property Manager to review or can be re-opened.
Reviewed and Archived: PM has verified the quality of work performed by the SP user and marked the SR as Reviewed (and automatically Archived).
On Hold: PM has marked the SR as On Hold. Waiting for Property Manager to remove On Hold status. Service cycle timer is paused while the SR is in this state.
Archived: Long term SR storage. Available for historical reference.