Service Recommendation Details
The Service Recommendation is actually a Service Request, but it is initiated by a Service Professional.
Here is the quick walk-through of the workflow, when a Service Request is initiated by a Service Professional:
The Service Professional can “document” a request using minimal data entered and make the actual recommendation to the Property Manager at a later time.
Note: At this time, the Service Professional is required to “accept” the Service Request after it is “approved” (the approval is for work to commence at a point in time) by the Property Manager, even though the Service Professional made the initial recommendation. This allows the Service Professional to place a Target Date on the ticket, which is a very important step in the overall Service Request process.
Automation is available, in the event that a Property Management company would like any Service Recommendation from an on-staff Service Professional to be automatically Approved. Please contact Support if this is something that your team would like to enable.